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My name is Pauline Woodards-Respress and I am the owner and founder of The Pauline Respress Agency. We are approaching our fourth year in business and I am overjoyed at the leaps and bounds that we have conquered. I am super encouraged to continue to grow our agency with the help of our three amazing sales agents. We have expanded our products and look forward to matching each customer we encounter with an affordable, high quality product that meets their insurance needs.

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My Story

It all began in my tiny home office where I took an inventory of my life's journey and began piecing together what I wanted my future to look like. it had to be filled with all of the things that I loved. My career had consisted of customer service and sales : two of my most favorite things to do. So the next task was to find something that was timeless, something people would always need. And as I looked over my immediate and past career choices I remembered an assignment that I had in insurance taking claims over the phone and then in that very moment the God's began to sing in my head. I found it "insurance"!  It included customer service and sales and it was a timeless career choice that was not here today and gone tomorrow. So the journey began, learning everything I could learn about insurance first Property and Casualty and then Life and Health. I did an internship at a Property and Casualty agency while I worked on my license and did the same with my Life and Health, a small internship while I studied and obtained my license. It all began coming together and my vision was born in 2019 to open my very own agency. I surrounded myself around agents who had already taken the plunge and then in May 2019, I opened the doors of The Pauline Respress Agency. And here we are, some bruises and bumps but we are still standing. And I am hopeful that all of the lessons of the past few years will be the stepping stones to get us to more growth. This journey has taught me the power that lies in simply believing that all things are possible with hope, perserverance and a little bit of fearlessness. 


It is my absolute pleasure to serve you. Let's connect.


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